Create Pride Rainbow Overlay in Illustrator

How to Create a Pride Rainbow Overlay in Illustrator

What this tutorial from Tuts+ teaches you to make:

Pride Rainbow Tutorial

I didn’t have the time today to find a portrait to apply it too, so I decided to do the overlay on the Silhouette building in Midtown, Atlanta. I took the photo back in May when I did a photo tour with my brother around Midtown. This is the original photo:


These are my rainbow overlays. Basically, the tutorial teaches you how to create your own color swatches and make a gradient with them. Which one do you like better?


How to move a repository from BitBucket to Github

  1. Create a new empty repository in GitHub (without readme or license, you can add them before) and the following screen will show

  2. Inside to import code option you paste your bitbucket URL’s repo and voilà!!

Click in import code

Resource link:


The design tutorials were frustrating because I felt like I was really behind on everything that had happened in regards to topography, font, layout, color scheme, etc. Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator have new features and shortcuts that I have to really learn from the beginning. JavaScript was also getting me nowhere. I couldn’t wrap my head around the code involved in making a simple button work on a website.

That’s when I came across the language Ruby on Rails. This was my first experience with it, to get a feel for it:

The tutorial is made in such an easy and fun way, with a great interface, that I got really excited about it! I felt like it was simple and similar to English so it was easy for my head to grasp the concepts.

Reading this guy’s blog helped me a lot:

He breaks down his journey and process through learning Ruby on Rails and makes it sound so feasible and realistic. He provides great resources like the above TryRuby link, as well as Michael Hartl’s Ruby on Rails guide.



After learning HTML/CSS again, I felt ready to tackle the next challenge: JavaScript. Doing the online tutorials on Codecademy for JavaScript, I was still lost and felt so overwhelmed.

I never finished the JavaScript tutorials and focused instead on working on my design skills and getting familiar with Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator again. This was in April 2015. I did a simple magnifying glass tutorial in Illustrator shown on right:

And I started doing tutorials from Tuts+ which were really great, but much more advanced than my current level. I can’t find the specific link I used for the magnifying glass and the poster, but there are many other great tutorials I want to try in the future so I’ll make a note to include those links.

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HAH! I still have a long way to go! I love using Photoshop and Illustrator, so I will try to do a tutorial a day.


My first step was learning HTML again. I wanted to refresh my memory and see if I could still write it from memory. It came back very quickly, but I also learned there is such a thing as HTML5, the latest version of HTML being used now. They added <div>, <header>, <footer>, and <article> tags that help organize your content better, which I thought was so great.

I followed along with Make A Website on and then did their HTML & CSS tutorial.

Next I did General Assembly’s free Dash tutorials which were even better and easy to follow as well! This is the very simple website we created following the first lesson:

The second lesson with General Assembly’s Dash tutorial was creating a responsive blog. This is my final product:

Unnamed QQ Screenshot20150630044450For our third lesson, we built a Business website. It has an image overlay with a title and description. If you click on the title, the description will show, and then clicking on it again will hide the description. This is my crude attempt:

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I still have to complete lesson 4 & 5. Lesson 4 has you building a CSS robot and then integrating Javascript to make the eyes flash, the background change color, and adding a dancing man. I tried it, but couldn’t get it to work right. I have to go back to it.

Lesson 5 I haven’t tried at all. It has you build a Madlibs game.

My Purpose


I have created this blog to help me document my journey towards web development. I chose the name ‘cestmonvoyage’ because it is also about my life journey. C’est mon voyage is French for ‘this is my journey’ which is suitable for my purposes (and because ‘journey of a lifetime [voyage d’une vie]’ was taken :P). Though my current journey in life is focused on pursuing a new career in the realm of web development, who knows what may happen along the way that may change my focus. I am prepared to continue updating this blog whatever my focus may be and I hope you enjoy the journey as well.

I have come to accept that life will throw random things your way and you will have to adapt to these changes as best as possible. Sometimes it’s easy, and sometimes it is hard. It’s the hard ones that I look forward to because they are the ones that change you and encourage your wisdom and growth. I have had a very fun and enjoyable life so far, albeit with its own challenges, but I have had complete control in my decisions and have had extraordinary experiences along the way.

I have reached a point in my life where I feel like my breezy laid-back lifestyle cannot support me financially and so I am trying to find a ‘career’ to devote my energies so that I can save money. Web development came to me one day while I was writing down a list of things I was good at. In high school, I was very active on Xanga, Geocities, and Yahoo, teaching myself HTML and editing blog themes. I would run to my computer after school and work on creating websites using Geocities and the Yahoo web builder (which both don’t exist anymore). I was listening to a lot of music at the time and making movie-themed desktop wallpapers using Photoshop, so I created a website where you could look up song lyrics and another where I could share my desktop wallpapers with others.

After starting college, my course work took over much of my time and I didn’t keep up with the technology community. Now so many things exist and there are so many web languages to learn. It’s been a bit overwhelming, so I am starting slowly again.